Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Prince of the Iron Stove - Part Five


The princess slipped near the Prince's door and she narrated the story of the iron stove and how she had come here crossing all the dangers to find him. 

The servants of the castle heard her story but the Prince had not heard anything because he had slept due to the sleeping drought.

Not knowing what to do, the princess cracked the second nut and found an even more beautiful dress inside. 

Naturally, the bride wanted this too, and this time too, the same events happened as before. 

Third time when the princess cracked the third nut an even more beautiful dress came out which was made of pure gold.

By this time, the Prince had heard from the servants of the castle that the kitchen maid slept outside his room and was telling tales about an iron stove. 

So this night, the Prince was determined to hear the story for himself and he did not take the wine that his bride had offered him.

When the princess narrated the story from outside his door he suddenly remembered everything and he jumped up from the bed and met his princess outside.

The prince realized that the false bride did not know that he had come out of the enchantment and the two of them escaped at night.

They returned the same way using the same gifts that the princess had used to come in and this time when they arrived at the toad’s house which turned into a large castle and the toads were all free from their curse.

The prince and the princess lived happily ever after.

Adapted from the Grimm Brothers’ Stories

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