Sunday, February 11, 2024

Happy Hunter and Skillful Fisher - Part Three


Shiwozuchino Okino was as good as his words and he made a basket boat and offered it to Happy Hunter. 

The boat would take Happy Hunter through the sea to the realm of Ryn Gu, where Ryn Jin, the Dragon King of the Sea lived. The old man even pointed the direction that Happy Hunter had to take to reach the realm of Ryn Gu.

Happy Hunter thanked the old man and mounted the boat and then set off into the sea.

The boat made by Shiwozuchino Okina was unique. The boat seemed to go through the water of its own accord and it was because of this that the distance to the realm of Ryn Gu was much shorter than Happy Hunter expected.  

In a few hours he saw a gate and the roof of the enormous palace under the sea. The palace had sloping roofs and a huge gateway and stone gray walls. 

Happy Hunter landed and left his basket behind and walked towards the gateway. 

On coming closer, Happy Hunter saw the other details. The pillars were made of red coral, and the gate had gems of all kinds on it.  There were trees around the gate too. 

Though Happy Hunter had heard about the place, this was the first time that Happy hunter had seen the sea king's palace. He was stunned when he saw its beauty. 

However, as Happy Hunter came near the gate, he saw that the gate was closed and there was no one around. 

He did not want to get inside the palace uninvited. 

That was when he noticed that there was a well full of fresh spring water. He was now sure that someone would come to draw water from the well and he climbed the tree and he watched.

Adapted from Japanese Folk Tales

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