Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Tiger and the Woodpecker - Part One

Once there lived a ferocious tiger in a forest. The tiger hunted and killed its prey with devastating efficiency. 

Once it happened as the tiger had eaten its prey, the bone of the prey was stuck in the throat of the tiger.  

The tiger tried its best to remove the bone from his throat but he was unsuccessful. The tiger realized that if the bone continued to be in his throat, he would not be able to drink or eat anything and even meet his end. 

He looked around for some help, and that was when he saw a woodpecker in the tree. “Please help me! There is a bone stuck in my throat.” 

The woodpecker studied the tiger. “I will help you. I will remove the bone from your throat, but in return will you share the food that you have hunted with me?” 

The tiger happily agreed to this. 

The woodpecker stepped inside the tiger's mouth and took the bone out. 

Once the bone was out, the tiger was very happy. 

The tiger thanked the woodpecker profusely. 

The woodpecker smiled and flew away from there.

Adapted from Indian Folklore (Stories by Poet Manchana)

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