Monday, February 19, 2024

The Prince of the Iron Stove - Part Four

Taking the three gifts with her, she first came upon the glass mountain. It was very slippery and she fell every time she tried to climb up. 

Finally, she stuck the three needles that she had got behind her foot and then she stuck the needles in the front. Using that she was able to get over the mountain.  

After that, she crossed the glass mountain and then came to the three cutting swords. 

She used the plough-wheel and rolled over the swords. 

She was very easily able to cross this barrier and then she came to a great lake. 

She crossed it and arrived at a beautiful castle.  

Outside she learnt that there was a prince who lived in the castle, who did not remember much about his past. But the Prince was to be married to the princess of the castle. 

The Princess knew that this was her Prince and she went to work in the castle as a kitchen maid.  

That was when she realized that she still had one more gift that the toads had given her. 

She cracked one of the nuts and found a beautiful royal dress inside it. 

When the princess of the castle saw the dress, she asked her to give it to her.  

The original princess agreed to this, but she had a favour - she wanted to sleep by the princess door. 

The bride-to-be granted this because she did not see any harm in this and the dress was very beautiful.

That night however, the bride gave a glass of wine to the prince and she poured some sleeping draught in the wine. 

Adapted from the Grimm Brothers’ Stories

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