Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Greedy Fisherwoman and the Golden Fish - Part Two

After a few days the fisherwoman became greedy again. 

She nagged her husband to go to the fish and ask for the palace. “This cottage is getting too small for us. You should go to the fish and ask for another wish. The fish cannot refuse you one more wish. You must not forget that the fish owes its life to you.” 

The fisherman refused to go back to the fish at first. But when his wife kept nagging him, the fisherman decided to go and ask the fish for one more wish.

“What do you want now?” The Golden Fish asked when the fisherman came to the sea again. 

“My wife wants a palace this time,” the fisherman sounded very hesitant.

The sea grew a little windy and the fish fell silent for a few seconds after hearing the fisherman. 

However nothing happened as the fish finally nodded. “Go back to the place where your cottage is situated. You will find a palace there.”

The fisherman thanked the fish profusely and went back to the place where his cottage had been and he was surprised to find a beautiful palace there.

The fisherman and his wife happily lived in the palace for some time.

But the fisher woman became more and more greedy because she realized that now she could have all her wishes fulfilled. She sent her husband to ask for more and more things from the fish. 

After getting a palace from the fish she sent her husband to ask many more wishes from the fish. 

She wanted to be a noble lady, the ruler of her province and finally become Tzarina.

Adapted from Russian Folk Stories

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