Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Prince of the Iron Stove - Part Three


The Prince had vanished and he had been put in a place over a mountain of glass which had many sharp swords around it.

The princess did not know any of this.

She bid her goodbye to her father and came to the forest. 

She searched everywhere but she could not find the iron stove of the prince anywhere nor could she find the prince. She realized that she had in some way broken the enchantment and that was the reason the prince was missing. She was determined to find the man she loved and kept walking and looking for the prince 

She had looked around for almost nine days and barely had enough food and that was when she climbed a tree to rest for the night.

Walking through the forests for the past few days had taught her to fear the night because she realized the dangers that came from the wild beast at midnight. She climbed a tree and stayed there and that was when she saw light far off.

She decided that she would reach for the light and stay for this night at least today. 

She got down the tree and went towards the light. 

It was a little old house. There was plenty of grass growing around the house. The Princess peeped through the window and she saw nothing other than big and little toads. She was surprised that there were really toads living in the house. 

However the house had very rich food and dishes and drinking cups made of silver.

When she knocked on the door of the old house, a little toad let her in. 

The little toad and the others were very hospitable. They made her sit down and ask her how she had ended up there.

She told them everything. Now she had realized but she had spoken more than the three words and then her Prince had asked her to say and that was the reason the iron stove and her prince had disappeared. She told the toad about that too.

The toads gave the princess food and drink and they even led to a beautiful bed made of silk when she slept for the night.

The next morning the toads told the Princess where her Prince was. They also gave her three gifts which would help her get her prince back.

The toads gave her three large needles, a plough-wheel and three nuts which she had to take good care of.

The princess thanked the toads with all her heart and set out on her journey.

Adapted from the Grimm Brothers’ Stories

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