Monday, February 12, 2024

Happy Hunter and Skillful Fisher - Part Four

After some time Happy Hunter saw the gate of the palace open and two beautiful women came out. 

Happy Hunter was stunned. Until then he had heard that Ryn Gu, which was the realm of the Dragon King, was inhabited by dragons and terrible creatures.  

So when he saw these two beautiful princesses, he was stunned speechless. 

He gazed from the tree as the two girls gracefully walked towards the well. They had golden buckets in their hands. They put the buckets in the well to get the water out of the well. 

At the time, they saw a stranger's face reflecting in the waters of the well. 

They were stunned and almost turned away taking the golden buckets with them. 

At that time. Happy hunter came down the tree and gazed at them.

Happy Hunter realized that he had scared them and stayed a little away from them. “I am a traveler. I was very thirsty and I came to the well hoping to quench my thirst. I could not find any bucket to draw the water. So I climbed the tree and waited for someone to come.”

The two girls looked at the stranger and one of them drew water from the golden bucket in her hand and poured it into a jeweled cup and offered it to him.

He drank the water full and then he cut off one of the necklaces around his neck. He put the necklace on the cup and returned it to the two ladies. “Please accept this as a token of my gratitude.”

The elder of the two women overcame her shyness and studied Happy Hunter. “No man will give away such a precious jewel so easily. Please tell us who you are.”

Happy Hunter nodded. “I am Hohodemi and I am the ruler of Japan.”

The girl who had spoken was startled on hearing that. “Are you Hohodemi, the grandson of Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess?”

Happy hunter nodded.

The first princess smiled at him. “I am Princess Tayotama. I am the eldest daughter of Ryn Jin, the king of the sea and this is my sister, Princess Tamayori.

“What brings you here?” Princess Tamayori asked Happy Hunter. 

Happy hunter told the two sisters about how he had lost his brother's hook and he had come here searching for it. 

As he narrated the story, he grew more and more anxious because he realized his predicament. 

He studied the two princesses. “Will you please take me to see your father? And do you think he will see me and help me?”

Adapted from Japanese Folk Tales

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