Thursday, February 15, 2024

Happy Hunter and Skillful Fisher - Part Seven

As soon as Happy Hunter came to land he went to tell Skillful Fisher of his return. He also gave back Skillful Fisher the fishing hook and he also told his brother all about his adventures, while finding the hook.

Now it so happened that Skillful Fisher had actually used the fishing hook as an excuse to drive his brother out of the country.  Skillful Fisher with his evil heart had taken over the kingdom and he wanted to stay as the ruler. 

He did not know what to do when Happy Hunter came back with the hook.

Hiding the anger in his heart, Skillful Fisher pretended to forgive his younger brothers. 

Happy Hunter went back to ruling his kingdom.

That was when Happy Hunter realized his brother’s true feelings and he was guarded after that.

Skillful Fisher knew nothing about it. But he was steadily getting angry and one time he could tolerate it no more and he decided to kill his brother. 

When Happy Hunter had gone to a rice field, Skillful Fisher followed him there with a dagger in his hands. Happy Hunter already guessed his brother’s feelings and when he saw his brother in the field, he pulled out the two gems that the Sea King had given him.

Both the brothers were stunned when wave after wave rolled in the rice field surrounding Skillful Fisher.

Skillful Fisher was terrified. 

The level of the water around him kept rising. If this kept up, Skillful Fisher knew that he would drown.

Happy Hunter was however kind and using the Jewel of the Flood Tide, he let the water go back from where it had come.

Skillful Fisher realized that his brother was very powerful and he realized his mistake and apologized to Happy Hunter.

Happy Hunter went back to his kingdom and ruled it well without being disturbed by his family troubles.

Adapted from Japanese Folk Tales

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