Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Tiger and the Woodpecker - Part Two

The next day the tiger hunted a huge prey and felled it. 

The woodpecker flew in and demanded that the tiger give it a small portion. 

But the tiger completely ignored the bird and started eating the prey. 

“You promised that you would give me a portion of the food that you have hunted.” The woodpecker looked angry. “How can you go back on your promise?” 

The tiger swiped the bird angrily. “You just be glad that I did not eat you when you were in my throat, you pesky bird!” 

The woodpecker studied the tiger from the tree for a second. The bird was getting angry, and then calmed itself. 

He flew fast and swerved down to peck at one of the eyes of the tiger. 

The tiger yelped and fell back as it was blinded by an eye. “You have blinded one of my eyes. How could you?  Don't you have any pity on me?”

The woodpecker sat back on the tree and shrugged at the tiger. “I have a very sharp beak. You should just be glad that I did not blind both your eyes.”

The tiger realized it was paying its price for being ungrateful and walked away from there.

Adapted from Indian Folklore (Stories by Poet Manchana)

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