Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Benten Sama, the Goddess of Mothers - Part Two


Benten Sama heard the girls’ prayer and she turned to her son Ebisu. 

That day, Hakuga caught many fish and with this he made a lot of money.

Hakuga then sought a professional matchmaker as his go-between and sent the professional matchmaker to O Ume San’s father to ask for her hand. Hakuga sent the professional matchmaker because a Japanese person never seeks a wife for himself.

The Go-between went to O Ume San’s father and told the father that Hakuga now had a lot of money and could keep his daughter happy.

But the father refused. “I will do that only when the five terrible marshland dragons are no more.”

The Go-between sadly returned and told Hakuga everything.

When O Ume San heard this, she again went to the Goddess Benten Sama. “Please curse these terrible dragons and ask your son Hatei to bestow some mirth on us.”

Benten Sama heard the girl’s prayers and had an idea.

Goddess Tatsu Hima, the Goddess of Autumn ruled at the time of November and Goddess Benten Sama went to Tatsu Hima.

Goddess Benten Sama asked Goddess Tatsu Hima for some help to fulfill the girl’s wishes.

Adapted from Japanese Folktales

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