Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Story of Bacha and Baki - Part One


Once upon a time in the kingdom called Room, there ruled a king whose name was Bacha.

Bacha and his wife, the queen, were happy with each other for some time. However over time, the king and the queen became very quarrelsome and would fight over every single thing.

Soon, it so happened that one night after dinner, from their palace, they heard the howls of the fox on the other side of the river which flowed near their palace.

The king turned to the queen. “I think that is a roaring tiger.”

The queen frowned and shook her head. “That is a fox.”

That simple thing led on to an argument between the royal couple.

Soon it came to a stage that the king decided that he was going to place the entire argument before the council of ministers.

However, there was a caveat. It was decided that if the queen was right, the king was to be sent adrift on a log of wood on the river. However, if the king was right, the same was to be done to the queen.

The queen also agreed to this.

The next day, the king summoned his council of ministers and told them what had happened the previous night. The king also told the ministers of what would happen in case either of the royal couple were to be found wrong.

After telling the ministers all this, the king asked the council of ministers on who among the two of them was right.

Adapted from Tibetan Folktales

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