Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Story of Bacha and Baki - Part Nine


Once, the king smashed the cowrie shell into pieces, each of the pieces changed into an armed man. Prince Baki also appeared among the armed men.

The courtiers in the king's court all ran all over the court.

The armed men were actually demons who were under Prince Baki’s power.

The armed men wanted someone to kill.

Prince Baki pointed at the king. The armed men attacked and killed the king.

After that the armed men disappeared.

The courtiers saw all this and were stunned. They realized that Prince Baki was a powerful magician and fell at Prince Baki’s feet and made Baki their king.

After that Baki married the young woman and lived with her for many years.

Baki’s mother returned to King Bacha and they both decided never to have any trivial disputes and together reigned over the kingdom for a long time.

Adapted from Tibetan Folktales

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