Friday, July 26, 2024

Benten Sama, the Goddess of Mothers - Part Three


That night a dangerous storm howled through the entire place. The people were all terrified and stayed hidden in their homes. The storm gave way to the Thunder God and the Thunder God roared furiously, five times.

After each roar, each one of the dragons lay dead.

The next day when the people stepped out of their homes, the sun shone through the entire land and it seemed beautiful and different.

What was shocking was that the Marsh of the terrible Dragons had disappeared with the storm. 

Instead in the place of the marsh stood a bright and beautiful island. On top of the island, all the people saw Goddess Benten Sama and she was seated on a throne of a rainbow.

The people were thrilled when they realized that the dragons were dead and they realized that it was all because of Goddess Benten Sama. 

The people made a shrine for the Goddess at the exact place where she had appeared in the sky.

O Ume San married the fisherman whom she loved and they lived happily ever after.

Adapted from Japanese Folktales

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