Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Story of Bacha and Baki - Part Three

The king was very happy with the decision of the council of ministers. According to the bet, the queen was placed on a log of wood and set adrift on the nearby river.

The wooden log with the queen waded on and soon the queen found herself far away from her own kingdom.

She reached shallow waters and soon reached the land of the new place. There was very high grass all around this place, making it difficult to see ahead. But soon the queen found a narrow path leading away from the rivers and she kept walking.

In the middle of the dense forest, the queen saw an old man with white beard that almost reached his waist. The old man had a fire going and was cooking food for himself.

When the queen requested some food, the old man immediately handed over the food to her.

After the queen had the meal the old man smiled at her. “I am a magician, my queen and I have to give you some instructions. You must follow these instructions clearly.”

The queen was surprised as the old man continued. “You are about to have a son in a few days.”

The queen was shocked as the old man continued. “You must walk up to the path of a small hill and give birth to your son. The son born to you is not ordinary but will have miraculous qualities. This child is Baki and can walk and talk as soon as he is born.”

The old man smiled at the queen. “You have to follow the child wherever he leads you.”

Adapted from Tibetan Folktales

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