Friday, July 26, 2024

The Adventures of Dapplegrim, the Horse - Part One

There were once a very rich couple and they had twelve sons. The twelfth son wanted to go out into the world and make his own fortune. However, his parents wanted the boy to be at home.

The boy was adamant and finally having no choice, the rich couple let the boy go to the world and have his adventures.

The boy went on his other travels and saw many other kingdoms and was impressed with one particular kingdom and decided to stay there for a year.

However, after a year, the boy wanted to come back to his home and see his parents.

The boy was shocked when he went back home. 

His parents had died during the time that he had been away and his brothers had divided all the inheritance between them without leaving anything for the boy.

“Why do I not receive anything?” The boy asked his brothers.

“You were away for so long that we were not sure whether you would ever come back.” One of the brothers pointed at the hills further away. “There are twelve mares there that belong to our parents. The mares belong to our parents and we have not yet divided it among us. You can keep all the twelve mares as your share.”

The boy then went to the hill where the twelve mares were there and he saw that all the twelve mares had a foal each. 

One particular foal looked so bright that it almost seemed like it was shining.

This foal was named Dapplegrim.

Adapted from Norwegian Folktales

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