Friday, May 17, 2024

The Eagle, the Hen and the Needle - Part One

In the land of birds, it so happened that none of the birds could fly. Unfortunately, during that time there was famine in the land. The Eagle had to go very far to find food and because it could not fly the eagle had to walk all the distance. 

The eagle came back very tired and the eagle lay on the ground and went to sleep and grumbled to itself that there had to be an easy way to travel. 

The hen heard this and it also went to bed. 

When the hen woke up it had a brilliant idea. It collected the feathers of the other birds and decided to sew the feathers on top of its own feathers. 

The hen was sure that the extra feathers would help it fly and make it easier to travel.

The Eagle was the only bird in the village that had a needle and so the hen went to the eagle and told it of its plan.

The Eagle heard the idea and realized that it was a very good idea. Soon the eagle set about to work for itself before giving the needle to the hen. 

The Eagle sewed the wings on both sides. Using the wings, the Eagle flew high up.

The hen was happy that its plan had succeeded and using the needle it started making wings for itself. 

However, making wings was not an easy job. The hen got tired and kept the needle aside and walked away from there. Soon the hen was preparing food for its young ones and forgot all about the needle. 

However, by this time the other birds had seen the eagle fly away. They all went to the hen's house and asked for the needle so that they could see feathers for themselves.

The hen’s idea worked for the other birds and they started flying too.

Audio Story on Youtube

Adapted from African Folktales

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