Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Story of Sundarasena - Part Six

Mandaravathi, Drdhabuddhi and Sundarasena wandered around the sea-shore and wondered how they could get off the island.

At that time they saw a merchant ship coming into the island.

The three of them ran to the ship and found it to be a merchant ship.

The merchant who owned the ship had come to the island to sell his goods in the place.

Sundarasena approached the merchant. “Will you take the three of us on your ship? We have to get to the kingdom of Alaka.”

The merchant studied the signs of wealth of the prince and then his eyes traveled to Mandaravathi.

The merchant was smitten after studying the beautiful Mandaravathi. 

He studied the prince and before agreeing to the prince’s proposal, the merchant went and spoke to the people running the ship.

Some time later, he came out and nodded at the prince. “We will take in all of you.” The merchant waved at the princess. “Let the lady come inside the ship first. She looks tired and unused to the dangers of living on an island like this.”

Sundarasena and Drdhabuddhi did not find anything wrong in this idea.

They got Mandaravathi inside the merchant’s ship.

Before Sundarasena and Drdhabuddhi could get in the ship, the ship got inside the water and left the two of them stranded on the island.

Adapted from the Katha Sarith Sagara

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