Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Boy and the North Wind - Part One

Once there was a poor widow and her son. The widow became very weak and they were already very poor. so to feed her the son went up to a safe to get the food for cooking.

But when the boy went outside the safe the North wind huffed and puffed and blew the meal away. This did not happen just once, but it happened three times. 

After the third time the boy got very angry. He thought that the North wind ought to have behaved better and he decided to go and talk to the North wind about this.

The work was long but the boy did not give up. He walked for a long time and finally came to North wind's house. 

The North wind was at home at that time.

“Good day, sir.” The boy told North Wind. “You came to see us yesterday.”

North Wind greeted the boy back in his gruff voice, but he was confused to see the boy. “What do you want here?”

The boy sighed. “Me and my mother are very poor. Yesterday you came and blew our food off the safe. If you keep doing this, we will have nothing to eat.”

North Wind stared. “I do not know what to do about your lost meal. But I can help you in another way.”

The boy stared as North Wind gave him a cloth. “When you are in need, just say ‘Cloth spread yourself and serve all the good dishes.’ You will have everything you want.”

The boy was very happy and thanked North Wind and started back home.

Adapted from the Norwegian Folktales

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