Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Story of Sundarasena - Part Two

After Sundarasena came back from his hunting expedition, he refreshed himself and met the ascetic Katyayani. “Mother, what did you want to meet me about?”

Katyayani was pleased with the prince and told him everything. “I went to the place of Hamsadvipa when I visited all the places of pilgrimage in the country. Hamsadvipa was ruled by Mandaradeva. His daughter is Mandaravati.” Katayayani smiled at the prince. “Her beauty cannot be described in words, prince. Brahma, the Creator God, created her personality from nectar. Anyone who sees her will fall in love with her.” Katyayani waved at the prince. “You are the only one I have found in the country who is equal to her in charm and beauty.”

Katyayani smiled. “I think she will be a proper match for you.”

Sundarasena was stunned. The more he heard about Mandaravati’s description, the more he was smitten. 

Katyayani pulled out a handmade portrait from her bag and handed it over to Sundarasena. “This is Mandaravati’s picture.”

Sundarasena was hit by Kamadeva, the God of Love, the minute he saw the picture.

He learnt that Katyayani was a good artist and asked the ascetic to draw another portrait of Mandaravati for him.

Katyayani obliged.

Sundarasena showed the picture of the princess in the court.

All the people who saw the picture were stunned and realized that the girl in the portrait was a perfect match for their king.

Sundarasena thanked the ascetic and stared at the portrait and became love sick.

When the king learnt of his son’s troubles, he did the most obvious thing. He decided to get his son married to the beautiful princess.

Adapted from Katha Sarith Sagara

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