Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Frog and the Crow - Part One

A crow once caught a fat frog. The crow flew to the

roof of the neighbouring house to eat the frog there.

Even as the crow landed on the roof, the frog chuckled happily.

The crow was surprised to hear the laugh of the frog.

“Why are you laughing?”

The frog grinned. “I just thought that my father lives on this

very roof. My father is very strong and fierce. I am certain

that he will avenge my death in case anyone kills me.”

The crow suddenly became silent

when she heard of the strong father. The crow did not want to be

attacked by the father frog. So she flew to another corner of the

same roof.

She placed the frog there when the frog laughed again.

“What is it this time?”

The Frog guffawed again. “It is hardly worth mentioning but I

just realized that my uncle, who is even stronger than my father,

lives on this side of the roof.”

This time the crow was alarmed when it heard this. She realized

that eating this frog on this roof was dangerous. 

She carried the frog in her beak and flew away from the place.

She found a well far away. 

She placed the frog on the edge of the well and

here she decided that she would eat the frog.

Audio Story on Youtube

Adapted from Tibetan Folktales

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