Thursday, May 2, 2024

The light of the Sun, Moon and the Stars - Part One

At one point of time there was a shortage of food in the land. 

That was when Anansi and his son Kweku Tsin went to hunt in the forest. It was not only that Kweku Tsin was able to kill a deer. 

Anansi asked his son to guard the food while he went to bring a large basket to take it all back home.

However Anansi was not back for more than an hour. 

Kweku Tsin was worried that his father had lost his way. So he called out for his father so that his father could hear his voice and come there.

Kweku Tsin was happy because he heard a reply. 

However it was shocking because the reply did not come from Anansi but from a terrible dragon.

The dragon could naturally fly and had acute eyesight and looked strong and powerful and it breathed fire from its nose.

On realizing what had happened, Kweku Tsin ran from there and hid himself in a cave, so that the dragon could not find him.

The dragon flew to the place where it had heard the voice and the dragon was angry when it saw the dead deer there and it went away. 

Anansi came back and he was astonished on hearing the story of the dragon from his son. 

Anansi wished to see the dragon for himself. 

Unfortunately, this happened too.

Smelling the two men, the dragon came to the place and caught both of them. 

The dragon carried the two men to its own castle. 

There the two men realized that there were many creatures imprisoned by the dragon and the dragon intended to eat all of them later. 

There was a white rooster that stood guard over the imprisoned creatures. The rooster crowed to summon the dragon if anything happened when the dragon was away searching for food.

Kweku Tsin made plans to escape the dragon along with the others in the prison.

Adapted from West African Stories

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