Monday, May 13, 2024

The Frog and the Crow - Part Two


The Frog looked around the well and then studied the Crow. “Your beak is not sharp enough.” The Frog told the Crow.

Crow was confused. 

“Before you eat me, it would be easier for you if you sharpen your beak.”

Crow looked at its beak. 

The Frog pointed at the stone on the other end of the well. “You can sharpen your beak on the stone there.”

Crow realized that Frog was right. Its beak was not sharp enough. Having a sharp beak would be helpful for its own life.

So letting the Frog go, Crow sharpened its beak on the stone.

After some time, Crow realized that its beak was sharp enough.

Crow was proud and turned around. “Where are you, Frog? Look at how sharp my beak is.”

The voice of the Frog came from inside the well. “Oh, I fell inside the well while waiting for you.” The sly Frog smiled at Crow. “I cannot get up the side of the well, so the only way out for me is that I have to go deeper into the water.”

Unhappy at being fooled by the Frog, the Crow flew away from there.

Frog dived deeper into the well and escaped from the Crow.

Audio Story in Youtube

Adapted from Tibetan Folktales

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