Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Story of Sundarasena - Part Five


The story of Prince Sundarasena and Princess Mandaravati reached their fathers.

Both the kings and the kingdoms were in despair as to what had happened, but they could not find what had happened to the prince and princess.

The two kingdoms searched for the lost royals, but could not find any news of them.

Meanwhile, Sundarasena and Drdhabuddhi were trying to understand the island that they were stranded on. 

During his spare time, Sundarasena found a forest near the place that he had been living.

As he was roaming around the forest, he heard sharp cries of a woman.

Sundarasena ran towards the sound and found a woman who was screaming on account of her friend. 

The woman’s friend had been dragged into the river by a crocodile.

Sundarasena pulled out his sword and raced into the water.

There was a fierce fight between Sundarasena and the crocodile and finally, the prince killed the crocodile and freed the woman from the clutches of the animal.

Both the prince and the woman collapsed on the shore of the river and looked at each other for the first time.

Both were stunned because they recognized each other from the portrait they had seen of each other as Sundarasena and Mandaravati.

Adapted from the Katha Sarith Sagara

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