Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Little Golden-Hood - Part Three

Finally, Blanchette came to her grandmother’s house and knocked on the door.

“Who is there?” The Wolf asked, softening its voice as much as it could.

Blanchette did not notice anything odd at all.

“I am Golden-Hood, granny. Mother sent you a piece of cake and I brought it here.”

“Come in!” The Wolf told Blanchette, sounding happy.

When Blanchette saw the Wolf on bed she was surprised. “Granny, you look so much like the wolf that I met on the way here.” 

“That is because I am unwell and wearing my night cap.” The wolf managed.

Finally when Golden Hood came close to the wolf lying on the bed, the wolf was about to pounce on the girl.

The girl saw this and she bent her head down crying. “Mamma!”

The Wolf, when it pounced on her, bit into the golden hood that Blanchette wore all the time.

The magic hood burnt the tongue of the Wolf. This was not ordinary hood because it was used to make people invisible in the times of the old.

Granny came back at that minute from the town with a sack on her shoulders.

When she saw what had happened, Granny caught the Wolf in the sack and threw the sack in the water where the Wolf drowned.

The granny came back and soothed Golden Hood.

After that, Golden Hood felt strong enough to go back home and there it was her mother who scolded her the most, because she had talked to a stranger.

Finally, Golden Hood convinced her mother that she would never repeat the mistake. 

This time, Golden Hood kept her promise. 

She still went through the forest to meet her grandmother in her pretty little hood, which was the colour of the sun. 

But she went so early that no strangers came in her path.

Adapted from Andrew Lang’s Fairy Tales

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