Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Boy and the North Wind - Part Two

The boy stopped at an inn on the way home. He decided to start an inn exactly like this and using the cloth he could serve all the people and live his life.

Just to test the gifts of the North wind the boy spread the cloth on the table in the inn and said the words. “Cloth spread yourself and serve all kinds of good dishes.”

Everyone at the inn including the boy were stunned when every single variety of food cropped on the table.

After having his fill the boy went to sleep.

However the landlady of the inn saw the power of the cloth. 

She realized the power of the cloth and when all the guests of the inn were asleep she stole the cloth from the boy and put another one in place.

The boy woke up the next morning and he did not know that things had changed.

He went to his home and told his mother about the conversation with the North wind and the cloth that he had got.

His mother was eager to see the power of the cloth.

However when the boy tried the cloth at home nothing happened.

The boy realized that there had been a mistake and decided to talk to the North Wind again, about what had happened. 

Adapted from the Norwegian Folktales

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