Monday, May 27, 2024

The Single Lantern - Part One

In Yamato, there was once a poor woman. 

Though she was poor, she tried to help others daily. She also went to the temple and prayed devoutly there.

Once a grand temple was being built in Yamato. All the people gave a lot of money for the temple.

A grand and intricately designed lantern was set up in the temple. Looking at that, the other people also gave many lanterns to the people. 

A rich man from the place gave a thousand lanterns to the temple. He did this because he wanted everyone to know how generous he had been.

The poor woman saw the thousand lanterns of the temple and wondered what she could give. 

She was sad, because she realized that she had nothing to give. She went home and looked around but her house had only the barests of necessities and everything she had was old and worn out.

She studied herself in the mirror and saw long beautiful black hair.

She realized that she could sell her hair and with the money she could make offerings to the temple of Yamato.

So the poor woman went to cut her hair and she was even able to sell it and make some money.

Adapted from Japanese folktales

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