Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Boy and the North Wind - Part Four


This time however, the boy had a fairly good idea of what could have happened.

However the boy went to the North Wind for the third time. After he explained his problem to the North Wind, the North Wind was silent for a few minutes. “I have nothing more to give you other than a stick.” North Wind pointed at a stick in the corner of his house. “If you ask the stick to hit someone, it will hit them until you ask the stick to stop.”

The boy thanked the North Wind and went on his way.

This time too he reached the inn to stop for the night.

The landlord of the inn saw the boy and saw the stick in the boy’s hands. The landlord believed that the stick would be important and decided to steal it from the boy at night.

When the landlord thought the boy and all the other people in the inn were asleep, he crept up to the boy’s room.

The landlord had not even touched the stick, when the boy yelled at the stick to hit the person near it.

The landlord yelled and ran from the room. But the stick chased him and did not stop.

Finally the landlord asked the boy to call the stick off and promised to give the sheep and the cloth back to the boy.

The boy called off the stick. 

After that, the boy took his cloth and sheep and went back home. 

That was how the boy got back the meal that he had lost to the North Wind.

Adapted from Norwegian Folktales

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