Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Story of Sundarasena - Part Seven

Sundarasena was depressed after losing Mandaravathi to the wicked merchant with his ship.

Drdhabuddhi consoled him as the two of them plodded through the forest.

Sundarasena blindly walked  through the forest and everything in the forest right from the creepers to the flowers reminded him of Mandaravathi.

It went so bad that Sundarasena swooned into unconsciousness.

At this point of time, they were in the part of the forest inhabited by fierce hill tribes.

The particular hill tribe was led by Vindhyaketu and Vindhyaketu was a vassal of the kingdom of Alaka.

However, this time, Vindhyaketu had sent his men to search for people to be sacrificed to Goddess Chandi.

The men of the tribe found Drdhabuddhi and Sundarasena lying in the middle of the forest. Realizing that the two men were perfect to be sacrificed, the hill tribe men attacked them.

Sundarasena was already furious and he fought brilliantly and injured many of the hill tribe men. Drdhabuddhi also was a good swordsman and the two men nearly demolished the group of hill tribe men who attacked them.

However,there was another group of hill tribe men who were the backup for this group. 

They joined the attack against Sundarasena and Drdhabuddhi.

Then the prince and his friend were subdued and thrown in a dungeon.

The prince was shocked because Sundarasena found his other friends who had jumped off the ship, in the dungeon.

Sundarasena learnt the chief of the hill tribe was going to sacrifice all of them before Goddess Chandi in the coming days.

Adapted from Katha Sarith Sagara

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