Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Flower-Elves - Part One

There was once a scholar who was very wise. 

He wanted to stay away from the rest of the world and pursue hidden wisdom. 

So he built a house right in the middle of a meadow. The meadow was colourful and rich and had every single type of flower in it.

The scholar’s house was right in the middle of the meadow and it was not visible to the rest of the world.

The man lived in solitude in the house and the other person who visited the man’s house was his servant who came when he was summoned by the scholar.

After coming to the house, the man came to love the flowers in the meadow and he never stepped beyond the meadow around the house.

Once, the scholar was enjoying himself in his meadow on a lovely spring evening.

That was when a beautiful maiden in a dark gown came towards him. “Me and my friends are visiting our eighteen aunts. I came here to ask you whether you can allow us to rest here in your meadow before we continue on our journey.”

The scholar happily invited the girl and her friends to his house.

After that beautiful maidens with fragrance not known to humans to the scholar’s house.

They all thanked the scholar for his kindness.

“Who are you beautiful girls?” The scholar asked transfixed.

Adapted from Chinese folktales

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