Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Lady Silver Mist and the Boastful Bamboo - Part Three


Fragrant flowers grew at Lady Silver Mist’s feet and she became stronger and graceful in the garden near the sea.

She bowed to the North and the South Wind. She gave shade to the flowers which grew at her feet and she gave companionship to the children that came and played there.

One night there was a violent storm and Lady Silver Mist had to bow very low so that she could stay safe from the violence of the wind.

From the garden on the beach she saw giant waves crashing into the shore and the waves destroyed many ships which were in the sea. The waves also threw up many ships which had previously been wrecked on the shores.

Finally when daylight came Lady Silver Mist was stunned to see her friend - the Boastful Bamboo lying on the beach broken and with bits of junk all over him.

“What happened to you?” Lady Silver Mist cried at her poor friend.

“No one can help me now.” Boastful Bamboo moaned in a sad voice. I was not made into a mast but I was made into a pole which could just carry junk from one place to another.” Boastful Bamboo said. “No! My heart is broken. I cannot carry on anymore. Goodbye Lady Silver Mist.”

After that Boastful Bamboo sighed and did not speak again.

Some men came to clear the wreck from the beach. They chopped up the wood for fire and that was the end of Boastful Bamboo.

Adapted from Japanese Folktales

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