Friday, May 17, 2024

The Flower-Elves - Part Three

The food was unlike anything that the scholar had tasted in his entire life. 

After food, the women danced and sang and their dance was as beautiful as the butterflies and the scholar no longer knew whether he was on heaven or earth.

However, after all this, one of the zephyr aunts accidentally spilled nectar on Punica’s dress.

Punica was angry and yelled at the zephyr-aunt.

One thing led to another and it became a full-fledged yelling fight between all the women.

By the end of it, the zephyr-aunts walked out of the party in a huff. On seeing this, the young maidens who had come to the scholar’s house and started all this walked towards the meadow and just disappeared amongst the flowers there.

The scholar was stuck in a dreamy stupor of what had happened in the evening and he was no longer sure of what had or was happening.

The next evening the young maidens came back to the scholar’s house.

This time they looked desperate. “We are the flowers that live in your gardens. Every year during the storm, the winds try to uproot us. The zephyr-aunts protected us from the winds. However, from today the zephyr-aunts will not protect us.”

The maidens nodded at the scholar. “You are the only one who can save us. Will you help us?”

Adapted from Chinese folktales

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