Thursday, August 22, 2024

Ratnadhipathi and his Elephant - Part Four

Meanwhile in another kingdom of Madhura, there was a man called Pavanasena. 

After Pavanasena’s father’s death, Pavanasena’s kinsmen robbed him of all his wealth. Pavanasena left his home and did some small business and made a little money. But Pavanasena lost all the money. 

So after that, Pavanasena along with some people went to a place called Kanakaksetra to work in the mines there.

Some of the people who went with Pavanasena got some gold and precious stones. But Pavanasena got nothing despite working in the mines for nearly a year.

Pavanasena was depressed. But at that time, a merchant called Jivadatta came that way and offered to take Pavanasena to a place called Svarnadvipa.

But when Pavanasena and Jivadatta were sailing to Svaranadvipa, a storm hit their ship and broke the ship that Pavanasena was traveling in.

Pavanasena was able to get hold of a plank and he washed ashore a strange island where there was a grand palace right in the middle of the island.

This was the same island that Rajadatta was living on.

Not only had Pavanasena come to the island, he came there when Rajadatta was severely intoxicated after having the fruit wine.

Meanwhile back in the kingdom of Ratnakuta, Ratnadhipathi could not focus on his kingship duties and kept thinking about his wife. 

He could not carry out his kingly duties that day and decided to go back to the island as soon as possible.

Adapted  from the Katha Sarith Sagara

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