Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Story of the Enchanted Canary - Part Two

Desire traveled many weeks and he passed many villages and mountains on his journey. As Desire rode further away from his father’s kingdom, it became warmer and hotter.

Soon Desire reached a very warm place and he was sure that this was the place where he would find the woman of his dreams.

Desire rode on till he came to a little hut. It almost seemed to Desire that his horse stopped there before the hut of its accord.

In front of the house was an old man with a pipe in his hands.

The prince went to the old man’s house and requested him to stay in the house for the night.

The old man agreed to this and asked the prince the reason for his visit.

Desire told the old man the reason for his visit. 

The old man was surprised when he heard about Desire’s dream. “You must follow your dream. If you do not find what you seek, you will at least have the happiness of seeking it.”

The prince was happy on hearing this.

The old man continued. “The woods that you are looking for are not far from you.” The old man pointed at a road outside his hut. “That is the road that will lead you to the beautiful princess. If you walk on this path you will come to a vast park which is surrounded by high walls. In the middle of the park is a castle. There lives a terrible witch in the castle and that witch does not allow anyone to enter the castle. Beside the castle is an orange grove. Walk around the high walls around the park and you will come to an iron gate and that is the way to find the woman of your dreams.”

Adapted from Andrew Lang’s Red Fairy Book

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