Friday, August 23, 2024

The Story of the Enchanted Canary - Part One

Once, there was a lord of a king and the lord was a very fat man who ate and slept most of the time. The lord was called Lord Tubby. Lord Tubby governed the area called Flanders.

Lord Tubby had a very handsome son who was called Desire. Every woman and princesses in the neighbouring kingdom loved Desire because he was very good-looking.

However, Desire was not interested in any of the women that he found in his kingdom because he felt that they were not beautiful enough.

Desire spent most of his time in the woods instead of looking at the women in his kingdom and his father finally decided to talk to him about this.

Desire told his father that he was looking for a beautiful woman to marry and he could not find anyone in his kingdom and that was the reason that he spent most of the time in the woods.

Things went on like this and one day Lord Tubby and his son received a basketful of beautiful oranges. 

No one in Flanders had seen oranges before this day.

That night when Tubby and his son Desire ate the oranges they were stunned to find that the oranges were delicious.

The next day, Desire went and spoke with his father. “Father, I have come to tell you that I am leaving the palace.”

“Why?” Tubby was confused.

“Yesterday night, I had a dream that when I opened an orange, I saw a beautiful princess come out of the orange. It was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. That is the one that I want to marry. I am leaving to find her.”

Tubby was astonished and he did not know what to say. 

But before he could stop his son, Desire had sat on his horse and driven away from the palace in search of his future wife.

Adapted from Andrew Lang’s Red Fairy Book

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