Sunday, March 31, 2024

Empress Jokwa and the Path of the Sun and the Moon - Part Two

Eiko stopped Hako. “I must be the one who should become the General of the Front Forces.” Eiko told Hako.

Hako grew angry when he heard that. “I have been appointed as the General by the Empress herself. How dare you stop me?”

Even as he was speaking Hako drew out his lance and tried to hit Eiko. However Eiko was faster and he avoided the injury. Eiko moved even faster and he wounded the head of the General’s horse. 

Having no other choice Hako got down from his horse and he was above to attack Eiko from the ground, when in a swift move Eiko removed the badge of commandership and Eiko rode away from there.

Eiko had been so fast that Hako did not know what to do.

Empress Jokwa had seen the entire fight between Eiko and Hako and she realized that Eiko had been very fast. 

So she reached a decision and she made both Eiko and Hako as the General of the Front Forces of the Army. Both of them together were to lead the army against Kokai. Eiko would lead the right wing of the army and Hako would lead the left wing.

The two generals reached the fort where Kokai lived. When Kokai saw the two of them he was sure that he could defeat them in one breath. 

Kokai seized an iron rod and mounted a black horse and attacked the two of them.

Adapted from Japanese Folk Tales

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