Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Tiidu, the Piper - Part Three

A young sailor who had heard Tiidu play wanted to help Tiidu. The sailor offered to help him by hiding Tiidu on board the ship when the captain was not there.

Tiidu came on Deck without anyone knowing and his friend sailor hid him in a corner between two casks. The sailor also managed to bring Tiidu food and drinks.

With Tiidu hidden like that, the ship set sail into the sea. 

Tiidu hid in the cramped quarters all throughout the time.

At midnight the sailor tied a rope around Tiidu’s body and carefully tied the other end of the rope to the ships and after that the sailor threw Tiidu into the sea.

As soon as Tiidu was in the sea he waved his hand and shouted for help.

At this time Tiidu’s friend-sailor called all the other men of the ship and told them that there was a man drowning in the sea and that they needed to help him.

The captain immediately asked the other sailors to bring the man on board.

After the ‘drowning’ man had been brought aboard, the captain was shocked when he saw that it was Tiidu. 

“How did you manage to come here?” The captain looked suspicious.

“I had no money to pay for my passage.” Tiidu gasped. “So I followed you from the harbour and I hoped that I could swim after the ship to reach Kungla.” 

The captain realized that Tiidu did not give up and his heart melted and he decided to take the man with him to Kungla. 

This way Tiidu and his friend sailor were on board the ship to Kungla on account of their cunning trick.

The sailors took good care of Tiidu all throughout the voyage. Tiidu also kept them very happy by playing his pipes every evening. Though Tiidu was worried that someone among the sailors would recognise that Tiidu was not as skilled a swimmer as he had claimed, nothing that he feared happened.

Soon he reached the kingdom of Kungla.

Adapted from Andrew Lang’s Fairy Tales

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