Monday, March 25, 2024

The Story of the Three Princesses - Part Three

The man adamantly refused to play for the king at first.

“Our kingdom has known many sorrows. We have recently lost one of our daughters,” the king continued sadly, “Music will be helpful to us in forgetting our troubles. Please come and play for us.”

Hearing this the man decided to go to the kingdom with his fiddle and play for the royal family.

In the court of the king, the man pulled out his fiddle. As usual the man expected that the fiddle would sing a song.

The man's fiddle sang a song but it shocked everyone.

The fiddle sang a song of the three princesses of the kingdom and the fiddle finished with how the elder princesses had killed the younger one for the red dress and then had stuffed her body in the fiddle.

That was when everyone realized that the younger princess had been miraculously brought back to life and it was her spirit which was in the fiddle.

The king was livid with rage when he heard this story from the singing fiddle. He wanted to punish his eldest daughters for their crime. 

At the time the youngest princess appeared in her normal form in court. 

She asked the king to pardon her elder sisters in the hope that the family would now be together and forget their past and live in happiness.

The king reluctantly agreed to this because he was very happy that his youngest daughter was back to life. 

After that the king and his wife lived in his castle with his three daughters.

Adapted from the  Hungarian Folk Tales

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