Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Story of the Three Princesses - Part Two

A very poor man traveled to the forest and he was surprised when he found a fiddle under a tree.

The poor man picked up the fiddle and he was shocked. The fiddle that the poor man had found was obviously magical, because not only could the man play music on the fiddle, the fiddle would sing by itself.

The poor man took the fiddle with him and traveled all over the land. He would sing songs with the fiddle.

Soon the man and his fiddle became very famous and the man became very rich as he was requested to sing at all the places that he went and people paid lavishly to him and his singing fiddle.

It so happened that the king of the kingdom that originally belonged to the three princesses also heard of the man and his fiddle.

The king requested the man to come to his kingdom and give him and his family a private audience with his fiddle. “I shall pay you anything. I have heard from my friends that you and your fiddle are beautiful to listen to. Please come to my kingdom.”

The man with the fiddle however refused. “Your Majesty, you will not be able to pay me because now I have more money than many kings. Considering the money I have, I do not have to play everywhere. I do not want to come to your kingdom and play there.” 

Adapted from Hungarian Folk Tales

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