Monday, March 4, 2024

The Prince and the Flower Queen’s Daughter - Part Six

The next day the Prince took the mare out to the Meadow in the morning the mare vanished before his eyes.

This time, the Prince did not panic and he took out his little bell and rang it twice. 

The king of the Foxes stood before him. Immediately the king of the Foxes shrugged. “I already know what you want. I will summon all the foxes in the world and find the mare.  The mare is hidden in a hill.”

In the evening, many foxes brought the mare to the prince. 

He rode the mare to the Mother-Dragon, who was surprised.

This time the Mother Dragon gave the Prince a cloak made of silver and she led him to the ballroom. 

The Flower Queen's daughter was very happy that the Prince had passed their test on the second day too. She whispered in his ears. “If you succeed again tomorrow, take the foal to the meadow and wait there after the ball. We will fly away together.”

On the third day the mare vanished as the Prince took her out. This time the prince rang his bell three times. 

The king of the fishes appeared before him.

The king of the fishes told the Prince that the mare was hiding in a river.  The king of the fishes called all the other fishes and together in the evening the mare was returned to the Prince. 

Adapted from European Fairy Tales (Bukovina)

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