Thursday, March 14, 2024

Tiidu, the Piper - Part Five

At first Tiidu was afraid that people would laugh at him if he played his pipes. But the old man was insistent. 

So finally Tiidu got the pipes and sat on the river bank and played a tune.

Soon a crowd gathered around him.

Tiidu passed around his hat and everyone in the crowd give some gold pieces.

The old man laughed after Tiidu had finished playing his piece.

“Didn’t I tell you that this is a much better way to make money?” The old man shrugged. “This is the last time I will be able to guide you, so hear me well. Every Sunday come to these gardens and play these pipes. If you are invited to play at a feast, accept it. But do not fix a price but ask them whatever they can give.” The old man walked away. “Someday we may meet again. At that time, let us see how you have done in your life.”

So Tiidu worked at the house for the rich merchant during the other days of the week and on Sunday he came to the garden and played his pipes. 

Soon it so happened that Tiidu made more money on Sunday than what he did while working for the merchant. 

He had invitations to play in more and more houses and he accepted to play at the places at night. 

Soon he grew so rich that he was even able to buy silver pipes covered with gold.

In a few years Tiidu had become very rich even for a man living in Kungla. 

It was at that time that he remembered his family and the life that he had left behind before he had started all this.

This time instead of running away and hiding in the ship he booked one of the best cabins in a huge ship and started on his journey back home. 

Adapted from Andrew Lang’s Fairy Tales

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