Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Clever Rat and the Snake - Part One

A snake charmer got a snake and put it in a basket. Sometime later the snake charmer also got a rat and put it inside the basket as the food for the snake.

After that the snake charmer carried the basket on his head.

Inside the basket the snake looked ready to eat the rat.

The rat was terrified at first but it realized that it could not show any fear now.

“Please do not eat me. I can help you out of this basket.”

The snake shook its head looking annoyed. “I am very hungry. I will eat you now.”

The rat looked disbelievingly at the snake. “I am so tiny. There is no point in eating me. I will not satisfy your hunger. If you let me live I will be able to get you out of this basket. You can escape to the forest where you can have plenty of food.”

The snake thought about the words of the rat for sometime. Finally it nodded its head. It realized that what the rat said made sense. After the snake was out of this basket then it could eat other animals and finally it could also eat the rat.

So the snake left the rat alone. The rat gnawed through the basket and made a big hole. 

Adapted from Poet Manchana’s Stories

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