Sunday, March 3, 2024

The Prince and the Flower Queen’s Daughter - Part Five

With these words the king of the Eagle flew away.

In the evening the prince was stunned when he looked up in the air. 

A thousand eagles were driving a mare which was before them. Finally the eagles handed over the mare to the prince.

The Mother Dragon was surprised when the prince rode the man home in the evening.

As a reward the Mother Dragon allowed the prince to attend the ball that she had organized for the night. The Mother Dragon handed over a cloak made of copper to the prince to attend the ball.

There the prince saw the daughter of the Flower Queen at the ball. There were many other he-dragons that were dancing with she-dragons, but the Flower Queen’s daughter was beautiful. The Flower Queen’s daughter's dress had the most lovely flowers woven in it and her complexion looked like lilies and roses.

When they were dancing, the prince found himself very close to the daughter of the Flower Queen and at that time, he whispered in her ear the reason that he was here.

The Flower Queen’s daughter studied him and nodded. “If you succeed in bringing the mare back for the third day the mother Dragon will offer you a reward. Ask for the foal of the mare as a reward for taking care of the mare for the three days.”

Though the prince did not understand he nodded and the ball came to an end at midnight.

Adapted from European Fairy Tales (Bukovina)

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