Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Story of the Three Princesses - Part One


Once a royal couple had three daughters. 

The first two princesses were very wicked. However the third daughter was kind and loved by all.

Once the queen called her three daughters. “I have a simple test for all of you. I have a red dress and I know that all the three of you like it. It is the season where the berries grow.” The queen pointed outside her window. “So the three of you should go to the forest and pick berries. The girl who picks the maximum number of berries from the forest would get my red dress.”

So the three sisters went to the forest. The first two sisters tried to pick as many berries as they could. 

But the first two sisters were very angry when they realized that the third princess had easily picked the maximum number of berries.

Realizing that if the third princess was allowed to take all the berries back to the palace the queen would give the red dress to her, the other two sisters decided to stop her.

The wicked sisters killed their younger sister and then put her body inside a fiddle nearby and left the place.

Once they had come back to the palace the two wicked sisters pretended to cry and they told their parents that some robbers had attacked the three of them. The sisters wept some more. “No matter how much we fought, the thieves were stronger. They… killed our little sister!” The sisters cried again. “We could not save her.”

The royal couple mourned for the youngest daughter but they did not suspect that the two wicked sisters had been responsible for this evil-doing. 

Meanwhile the fiddle lay in the forest and no one had found it as yet.

Adapted from Hungarian Folk Tales

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