Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Elephant and the Crocodile

Elephants of those times did not have long trunks. In fact, they had a short bulgy noses, like most animals. 

A little elephant was very happy with his small nose and he walked towards the water of the river for a drink.

Unknown to the little elephant, a crocodile in the water was creeping up on him. 

When the elephant bent down to drink the water, the crocodile pounced and tried to pull the little elephant into the river. 

The elephant and the crocodile fought and pushed for some time.  

Something strange happened when the crocodile and the elephant fought each other.

With each tug between the crocodile and the elephant the elephant's nose grew bigger and bigger.

Finally, the elephant gave a heave and pulled itself out of the grasp of the crocodile. He ran away from the waters. 

Then the elephant realized that his nose was huge. 

The little elephant waited for some time for it's nose to go back to its original size.

But that did not happen. 

The elephant was slightly embarrassed to show his face to others. 

But soon the elephant realized that having a big nose was very useful to it. Because now it could pick up things and swat its enemies with its long nose.  The elephant could even drink water without bending down.

Since the day the elephant have long trunks and they were all proud of it. 

After that day the crocodiles never attacked elephants because they realized that they could not fight the big animal.

Adapted from African Folk Tales

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