Friday, March 1, 2024

The Prince and the Flower Queen’s Daughter - Part Three

The prince traveled on for a year and found the third old man. 

The third man nodded after listening to the question about the daughter of the Flower Queen from the prince.

The old man pointed ahead. “The Dragon that you are looking for lives on the first mountain far away and this is his year of sleep.”

The Prince looked enquiringly as the old man continued. “The Dragon sleeps for a year and wakes up for the next.”

The prince was about to start on this journey when the third old man stopped him.

“If you wish to see the Flower Queen’s daughter do not go up the first mountain but go up the second mountain.”

The Prince was confused as the old man continued. “The Dragon’s old mother lives on the second mountain. The Dragon’s old mother keeps a ball every night and the Flower Queen’s daughter goes there every night.” 

The prince was very happy to hear this and thanked the old man.

The prince then went up the second mountain and he found a golden castle which had diamond windows. 

He walked through the bed, crossed the courtyard and saw seven Dragons walking up to him. “What do you want?” The dragons asked him.

The prince nodded politely at all of them. “I have heard about the beauty and kindness of the Dragon mother. I wish to work for her.”

All the seven dragons were very pleased to listen to the prince.

The eldest dragon waved the Prince inside the castle. “Come! I will take you to the Mother Dragon.”

They crossed eleven splendid halls which were made of gold and diamonds. 

In the twelfth room they found the mother Dragon seated on a diamond throne.

The mother Dragon was not very pretty to look at - she had three heads and her voice sounded like the crowing of ravens.

The prince however smiled politely at the mother Dragon.

Adapted from European Fairy Tales (Bukovina)

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