Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Clever Rat and the Snake - Part Two

Unknown to the human carrying it, the rat escaped through the hole. 

The snake also saw this and it slithered out of the basket.

However the rat was very fast and ran into a hole and hid there.

The snake tried its best to get inside the hole but it was too small and rocky, for it to succeed.

The snake realized that only option it had was to convince the rat to come out of the hole 

“Friend Rat, why are you running away from me? I spared your life did I not? Why are you hiding from me now?” The snake tried in a very coy voice.

There was no reply from the rat.

“You have saved my life from that snake charmer, friend. So you have nothing to fear from me,” the snake continued.

“We are not equals.” The rat’s voice came from the hole. “I am your prey. You were friendly with me during a crisis. I cannot trust you now that things are normal. I will not trust you, snake.”

The snake pouted and was unhappy. But it realized that the rat was very wise and would not fall for its words. 

So the snake slithered away from there.

Adapted from Poet Manchana’s Stories

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